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Gearman Worker immediately disconnected

I'm having a bit of a struggle with Gearman on OSX. I've setup gearman with brew :

brew install gearman php55-gearman

When I launch my worker, it gets disconnected directly. gearmand log:

INFO 2015-04-26 22:07:57.000000 [  main ] Accepted connection from
INFO 2015-04-26 22:07:57.000000 [     4 ] Peer connection has called close()
INFO 2015-04-26 22:07:57.000000 [     4 ] Disconnected
INFO 2015-04-26 22:07:57.000000 [     4 ] Gear connection disconnected: -:-

And I've got no errors on my script :

@worker\servers :

    #localhost -

@Worker\description :

    Data file Worker

[2015-04-27 00:07:57] loaded. Ctrl+C to break
## (back to shell)

gearman versions are :

I've got a Debian setup working on a prod env with these versions installed through apt packages :

Has anyone encountered the same errors ? Thanks.

The problem was not from gearman or the lib but the Symfony Bundle I was using. (cf https://github.com/mmoreram/GearmanBundle/issues/143 ).

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