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Internal Server Error on apache, but only on PHP files

This is not a duplicate, this is a millionplicate, because I know there are like dozens of the same question in here, but none of them have the answer for my situation.

There we go:

I have apache, with the latest zend server. For some reason whenever i open a php project, it does not open, it says Internal Server Error.

I have changed the httpd.conf, have allowed permissions to the folder, and if i run php phpinfo.php (my test file), it will run the php file, but if i open on a browser, it wont.

The apache is running html files, but not PHP.

Any help on this?

请确保此命令代码在您的apache httpconfig文件中

LoadModule php5_module "c:/yourphpfolderr/php5apache2_2.dll"

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

# configure the path to php.ini

PHPIniDir "C:/yourphpfolder"

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