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Display predefined value in dropdown list

i have a list of vendors where i wish to edit them. on the click of edit button, i get redirected to another page editvendor.php where i have all the parametrs that i wish to edit, but in this page i also have 2 interdependent dropdown list through which i can categorize each vendor under scpecific category and subcategory. the code for the dropdown is

        var catid = $('#cat').val();

        if(catid != 0)
                success: function(returndata){

    <select name="catid" id="cat" >
        <option value=""> Please select a category </option>
                $sql = "SELECT * FROM category";
                $result = mysqli_query($con, $sql);

                if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
                    while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) 
        <option value="<? echo $catid;?>"><? echo $catname;?></option>

    <label>Sub Category</label>
    <select name="subcatid" id="subcat" >

Code for fetchsubcat2.php

    require 'connection.php';
    $catid =  $_REQUEST['id']; 

        $sql = "SELECT * FROM subcategory where catid='".$catid."'";
        $result = mysqli_query($con, $sql);

        if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) 
                ?><option value="">Select a subcategory</option><?
                while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) 

<option value="<? echo $subcatid;?>"><? echo $subcatname;?></option>
                <option value="">No sub category </option>

Now what i want is that if the vendor is already under a category and subcategory then in place of "Please select a category" and "Select a subcategory" that existing category and subcategory should get be displayed. As shown below, in place of this


i want


After that if i want to change the category/subcategory i can do that by clicking on the dropdown list.

Table view

Vendor table

id vendorname catid catname subcatid subcatname 1 ABC 1 C1 3 S3

For the option tag, which is the one associated with a vendor, add a selected parameter to pre-select it in the select list.

For that you need to know, which category a vendor actually belongs to, i can't find any code referring to that, so just an example and a bit of guesswork: You get the id of the category the vendor actually belongs to and in the while loop of all of your categories you check, if the id matches the vendor-catid:

while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    <option value="<? echo $catid;?>" <?php echo ( $catid === $vendorcatid ? 'selected' : ''); ?>><? echo $catname;?></option>

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