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Cannot invoke 'functionName' with an argument list of type '([(nameOfClass)])' in Swift xcode 6.3.1

Im learning swift now and having the following problem Please help..

I have 3 classes- TableViewController BroadcastModel BroadcastRequest I get the following error (the line of error is marked with comment) Cannot invoke 'requestFinished' with an argument list of type '([(BroadcastModel)])'

import UIKit

public class TableViewController: UITableViewController {

var broadcasts = [BroadcastModel]()
//MARK: ViewControllerLifecycle
override public func viewDidLoad() {

    //maybe will use the 2d array for sections of broadcasts..


public func requestFinished(requestedBroadcasts: [BroadcastModel]) {
    self.broadcasts = requestedBroadcasts  \* HERE IS THE ERROR *\

public class BroadcastRequest {

func requestNewBroadcasts() {
    var broadcasts = [BroadcastModel]()

public class BroadcastModel: NSObject, Printable {
let id: String
let broadcastURL: String
override public var description: String {
    return "ID: \(id), URL: \(broadcastURL) ....."

init(...) {

Since you are using:


You should define the function as a class function:

class func requestFinished(requestedBroadcasts: [BroadcastModel]) {
    self.broadcasts = requestedBroadcasts  \* HERE IS THE ERROR *\

Recommend you to figure out the difference between function and class function and difference between class itself and class instance

If you want to do something to a class instance, you must have the reference to it, instead of only having the class name.

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