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Convert milliseconds to individual format in C# NPOI

I use NPOI .NET third party library to export datas to *.xlsx file. I have got a time value which represented in milliseconds. For example, 2 minutes 12 seconds 3 milliseconds represented as 132003 milliseconds. I would like to display "132003" as "02m 12.003s" in Excel. So if i click a cell in excel which contains this value, i would like to see "02m 12.003s" in the cell, and "132003" in the formula editor.

How can I solve it?

Thanks in advance.


Consider the code below:

var t = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(521516);
var formatted = String.Format("{0:D2}m:{1:D2}s:{2:D3}ms", t.Minutes, t.Seconds, t.Milliseconds);

This will output:


You can use that code to retrive the formatted text and then add it to excel .

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