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Saving specific objects from array into new array

I have an array called teamArray which contain a teamObject with a id, name and shortname. these names is looped into and populated in an tableView. All these cells can be selected and when a cell is selected the indexPath is inserted into a cellSelected array. I would like to save the selected cells id's from the teamArray into a new array. So I guess I need to compare the cellSelected arrays indexPath with the teamArray? How can I do this?


var teamArray = Array<Team>()
var cellSelected = NSMutableArray()


override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
    tableView.deselectRowAtIndexPath(indexPath, animated: true)

    if (self.cellSelected.containsObject(indexPath)) {
    } else {




class Team: NSObject{
    var id: Int!
    var name: NSString!
    var shortname: NSString!

    init(id: Int, name:NSString, shortname: NSString) {
        self.id = id
        self.name = name
        self.shortname = shortname

var teamSelected = [Team]()

In your didSelectRowAtIndexPath function:

let team = self.teamArray[indexPath.row] as Team
var removed = false

for (index, value) in enumerate(self.teamSelected) {
    if (value == team) {
        removed = true

if (!removed) {

in your cellForRowAtIndexPath function:

let team = self.teamArray[indexPath.row] as Team
var removed = false

for (index, value) in enumerate(self.teamSelected) {
    if (value == team) {    
        cell.accessoryView = cell.accessoryCheck
        removed = true

if (!removed) {
    cell.accessoryView = cell.accessoryUncheck

You can then loop through teamSelected when you want to access the ID of the selected Team 's

EDIT: Changed name of cellSelected to teamSelected

Your main teamArray , which is load in TableView

var teamArray = ["Kirit Modi","Kirit Modi 1","Kirit Modi 2","Kirit Modi 3","Kirit Modi 4","Kirit Modi 5","Kirit Modi 6","Kirit Modi 7","Kirit Modi 8","Kirit Modi 9"]

And cellSelected ,

var cellSelected = : [String] = []

In TableView delegate didSelectRowAtIndexPath

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath)

        if contains(cellSelected, Name[indexPath.row])

Use the below function to remove object from Array.

extension Array {
    mutating func removeObject<U: Equatable>(object: U) {
        var index: Int?
        for (idx, objectToCompare) in enumerate(self) {
            if let to = objectToCompare as? U {
                if object == to {
                    index = idx

        if(index != nil) {

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