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Solr - How to search in all fields without passing query field?

I have tried as below,

<field name="collector" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="false"  multiValued="true" />

and copy all my fields to copyField as below,

<copyField source="fullname" dest="collector"/>
<copyField source="email" dest="collector"/>
<copyField source="city" dest="collector"/>

and also I have put all copyField tags below



tags. But I cant search in all fields. I have to pass fullname before query like,


I want search by,


And I should search all fields contains Mayur word.

Help me please

此功能已在solr 7中弃用: https ://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/7_0/major-changes-in-solr-7.html建议使用df参数。

make sure the fields have stored=true

<field name="field_name" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="true"/>

True if the value of the field should be retrievable during a search.

Use the Default Search Field : The is used by Solr when parsing queries to identify which field name should be searched in queries where an explicit field name has not been used.


in your schema.xml

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