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Sass Foundation Underscores Project Structure, removing git folder and package.json file

I am attempting a test dev setup of a foundation/underscores wordpress theme.

I have a wordpress install, and to that I added an underscores theme. I then made a folder in this called foundation and installed foundation ( sass using bower ) into that.

I will get it all working and hooked up using gulp, but I notice that Foundation placed a git file in the foundation folder. I have used git in the past but I'm unsure of what options I have here. Ideally I want to remove the git repo. Then at that point I would be doing a git init from the main theme folder ( the foundation sub folder I intend to only use for the sass source files). My quesion is ... Is there any issue with doing it this way. I essentially want to get rid of the git repo that came down with the foundation install and setup my own git repo manually; ( which will also cover the underscores and my own custom files in the parent directory)

My directory structure looks like this:

  • wp-content
    • themes
      • my_theme ( underscores) ( new git repo here )
        • foundation folder ( git repo here which I want to remove )

I also want to remove the package.json file and gruntfile because I hope to use gulp instead ( again from the main theme folder not the foundation directory )

Unless you're planning on hacking on the foundation code I wouldn't recommend this. There will be issues if you decide to upgrade to a newer version of foundation using bower. If you are working on this with another developer and choose to pursue this route I'd recommend removing the dependency from your bower.json file.

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