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Spring boot RabbitMQ Host string format

I am using spring boot to listen for messages on my rabbitmq instance. I have it working locally using an application.properties file.

However, when I want to connect to the remote rabbit instance I am getting number format exceptions and unknown host exceptions because of my url.

I've tried setting spring.rabbitmq.host to:

amqp://myurl/dev and myurl/dev and amqp%3A%2F%2Fmyurl%2Fdev

Nothing is working. Any ideas what could be up. I have set my user name and pass for the remote instance as well.

Try removing the amqp:// part. The host property should just be that, the hostname:


Not sure what the /dev part is. Are you saying that is your virtual-host? If so then just set this property too:


For username/password, set these properties:


A better way to do this is to set


This will get auto-resolved, and correctly set your hostname, password etc

Github issue that fixes this: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/6401

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