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Trigger Teamcity build on successful Git merge

We want our Teamcity server to do an automatic build whenever someone merges something back to the master branch.

To do this we have created a new VCS Trigger and checked the Trigger a build on each check-in -option. We have disabled the Quiet period mode and added a regular expression for the trigger rule. Checking out the Java regex documentation I've created the following regex: ^Merge branch '[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Punct}]+' into 'master'$ which translates to the following in the Trigger rules textblock: +:comment=^Merge branch '[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Punct}]+' into 'master'$ or +:comment=^Merge branch '[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Punct}]+' into 'master'$:** (I haven't got the slightest idea what :** should do, but the TC documentation uses this sometimes)

This should match something like:

Merge branch 'test' into 'master'


Merge branch 'feature-cs-200' into 'master'

However, the builds are never triggered. Apparently the regex doesn't match the correct pattern.

Any ideas?

Finished... Apparently Teamcity has decided the +:comment=^Merge branch '[a-zA-Z0-9\\p{Punct}]+' into 'master'$ regex is fine now and triggers the builds whenever a commit message matches the examples. Perhaps there was some caching or something else which caused the trigger not to fire.

I am not sure why you want to trigger your builds only on commits that contain the word "merge into" . If someone does a fast-forward merge, the commit messages won't record a merge message. They will instead record a list of commits. You will never get a list of trigger.

Anyways, if you still want it to run only on merges to master, you can setup a VCS trigger on master(only) and run a teamcity target whenever the message is +:comment=into master:**

If nothing works, you can just try matching the regex '+:comment=Merge branch .* into master:**'

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