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How to write a grunt task to build requirejs based Angular application

I'm currently working on an Angularjs based project.I am using RequireJs library to load dependencies asynchronously.

Following is my project structure :

  • index.html
    • vendors
      • angular.js
      • require.js
      • underscore.js
    • css
      • bootstrap.css
      • app.cs
    • images
    • App
      • app.js
      • signup
        • signup.controller.js
        • api.user.resource.js
        • user.service.js
        • templates
          • Login.html
      • profile
        • profile.controller.js
        • api.myprofile.resource.js
        • myprofile.resource.js
        • templates
          • profile.html

How can I combine all files inside of App folder into a single minifieds app.js file.Please help me to create a Grunt Task

Have a look at https://github.com/jrburke/almond . It is a minimal AMD API implementation designed for use with optimized builds. For packaging require applications with Grunt use https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-requirejs .

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