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How to read data from a .csv file and store it in a table in openedge

Could someone help me find a way to read data from a .csv file and then store it in a table in openedge.

INPUT FROM ‘c:\sample.csv’.
    CREATE customer.
    IMPORT DELIMITER "," cust-num name sales-rep.

This is the code that I tried but its not getting executed!

The "\\" is an "escape" character. Escape the escape by doubling it or (preferably) by using the alternate escape of "~".

Input from 'c:~\\sample.csv'.

INPUT FROM c:\sample.csv.
CREATE customer.
IMPORT DELIMITER "," customer.cust-num customer.name customer.sales-rep.

Remove the quotes from around your file name. Escape characters aren't needed for the blackslash since you are running on Windows and not Unix.

If you need to use a variable for the file name then you would use INPUT FROM VALUE(myvariable).

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