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commons-email HTML message problems

Hopefully just a quick one.

Essentially I am using apache commons email v1.3.3 and I am trying to send a HTML format email. I have followed their user guide to do this however the email I am receiving is just not resolving to HTML in any client I view it in, all of which support HTML..

Here is the snippet of code essentially sending it:

HtmlEmail email = new HtmlEmail();
    try {
    catch (EmailException e) {
        LOGGER.error("An error occurred sending email. ", e);

Now lets say the html is this:

<html>some text in html <p> blah blah blah </html>

I am just receiving plain text content as is above.

Could someone please highlight what I am missing?



Having made use of the debug feature, I can see the content-type remains plain/text. To resolve my issue I have instead done this:

email.setContent(htmlMsg, EmailConstants.TEXT_HTML);

I have been using the commons-email library for quite some time. I think, you set the message using the setMsg() method instead of setHtmlMsg() . Rewrite the code as below, and it should work fine.

HtmlEmail email = new HtmlEmail();

    try {
    catch (EmailException e) {
        LOGGER.error("An error occurred sending email. ", e);

There is another problem that I faced with this HTML email. The library adds a <pre> tag to our message, and that makes the styles and alignments a bit odd. I had to override the setMsg() to overcome this problem.

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