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CodeIgniter or Simple PHP , how to join a table with two colomns of another table?

I have a form with two select inputs. In each input there are products as options. Each visitor must select two products as their favorites. Their choice goes into a table named: visitors_fav

The structure of table is:

vis_ID    -   productID_1   -    productID_2

As you see i fetch the product IDs not their names and store them into the table.

I have another table named: Products , the structure is like:

Product_ID   -    Product_Name

How can I get the Product_Name for both productID_1 & productID_2 in a query?

(PHP Codeigniter active record is preferred, and also my database is mySQL)

you must join visitors_fav with Products two times to get the results you want. try the following query:

select vis_ID, prod1.Product_Name as Product_Name1, prod2.Product_Name as Product_Name2
from visitors_fav vis join Products as prod1 on vis.productID_1 = prod1.Product_ID 
                      join Products as prod2 on vis.productID_1 = prod2.Product_ID

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