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How to set the root of git repository to vi/vim find path?

I want to set vim file search path to include git repository root (which can be found by git rev-parse --show-toplevel ). I can't figure out how to append the output of this git command to " set path=.,,** " in .vimrc.


You can use this command:

let &path .= "," . system("git rev-parse --show-toplevel | tr -d '\\n'")

That said, I usually start Vim from the top-level directory of the project and never change the working directory so that's one less setting to worry about.

See :help system() and :help :let

" Add the git dir only once, and check for errors.

function! MoshGitPath()
  let g:gitdir=substitute(system("git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>&1 | grep -v fatal:"),'\n','','g')
  if  g:gitdir != '' && isdirectory(g:gitdir) && index(split(&path, ","),g:gitdir) < 0
    exe "set path+=".g:gitdir."/*"
command! MoshGitPath :call MoshGitPath()

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