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Compile a C / SDL program with Visual C++ 2013 from the Command Line

How do I that? I don't want to use the Visual Studio IDE, yet I want to use the provided compiler (cl.exe) and the Developer Command Prompt for VS2013.


cl /EHsc /MD  main.cpp /Fetest.exe /I F:\C++_Libraries\SDL2\SDL2-2.0.3\include /link /LIBPATH:F:\C++_Libraries\SDL2\SDL2-2.0.3\lib\x86 SDL2.lib SDL2main.lib /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE
cl.exe /Wall /Tc main.c

will generate a proper main.exe .

and before that:

  • ensure that c:\\Windows\\System32 is in the PATH
  • execute vcvarsall.bat from your install directory of VC

If you want to use a library (eg, SDL) you need to list the libraries with /link option (library paths can be added with /LIBPATH ) and the library include directories with /I option.

I faced this problem as well. I had to do two things to fix it:

  1. Add the /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE as mentioned in previous answers. Note that this gives a different error along the lines of error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_CommandLineToArgvW referenced in function main_getcmdline . This can be solved with doing the next step.
  2. Link the Shell32.lib as mentioned in the SDL forums: https://discourse.libsdl.org/t/windows-build-fails-with-missing-symbol-imp-commandlinetoargvw/27256/2

So my final command line command looks like:

cl.exe /Zi /I "C:\...\SDL2-2.0.12\include" sdl_program.c /link  "C:\...\lib\x64\SDL2main.lib" "C:\...\lib\x64\SDL2.lib" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.18362.0\um\x64\shell32.lib" /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE

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