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Why does std::shared_ptr<T> = std::unique_ptr<T[]> compile, while std::shared_ptr<T[]> = std::unique_ptr<T[]> does not?

I explored this topic in Coliru with the following input command:

g++ -std=c++14 -O2 -Wall -pedantic -pthread main.cpp && ./a.out

The test can be found here , but I have posted the code below. I used int in my example, as it's a basic type.

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

struct Foo{
    Foo() :
    a_{0}, b_{1}, c_{-1}, combination_{0.5} {}


int main()
    //    *unManagedArray = new int[16];
        uniqueArrayOrigin = std::make_unique<int[]>(16);
            // works but needs call to new
    //  sharedSingleTest{unManagedArray, std::default_delete<int[]>{}}; 
            // works, does not require call to new
        sharedSingleUnique = std::make_unique<int[]>(16);       
            // compilation error (conversion to non-scalar type)
    //  sharedSingleDerived = uniqueArrayOrigin;                

    //  std::shared_ptr<int[]>
                // compilation errors
    //      sharedArrayTest{unManagedArray, std::default_delete<int[]>{}};
                // compilation error (conversion to non-scalar type)
    //      sharedArrayUnique = std::make_unique<int[]>(16);
                // compilation error (conversion to non-scalar type)
    //      sharedArrayDerived = uniqueArrayOrigin;

            // works: specified overload of operator= for shared_ptr
        nonArrayTest = std::make_unique<Foo>(); 

    std::cout << "done!\n";

I have looked around on SO for answers, but only turned up references to the implementation of std::shared_ptr not having a specialization, and that this largely was because no one bothered to give a proper proposal to the standards committee on the subject.

I am curious, because I would interpret 4th overload of operator= , std::shared_ptr<T[]>.operator=(std::unique_ptr<T[], Deleter>&&) on cppreference to indicate that such syntax is legal-- T[] and T[] are the same type regardless of the state of specializations for array types for std::shared_ptr , after all.

Furthermore, this syntax only appears to work on the product of std::make_unique<T[]> , and not a unique pointer object, which goes against my understanding of the topic--shouldn't the calls be effectively the same, though one moves an existing object, and the other, well, moves an object that's just been created? I would expect the only difference between them would be the invalid std::unique_ptr<T[]> after the function call in the first case.

As a side note, I assume that since there is a way of constructing a dynamically-allocated array into a shared_ptr that does not require the use of new , I should prefer it to the messier and exception-unsafe call to new T[N] ?


  1. operator= does not work at all between std::shared_ptr<T[]> and std::unique_ptr<T[]> though I would expect it to work. Why?
  2. If anything, I would expect the type conversion from T[] to T to be a source of compilation errors between the unique and shared pointers. Why does this work?
  3. operator= works between std::shared_ptr<T> and std::make_unique<T[]> but not std::unique_ptr<T[]> . Why?
  4. am I correct to assume in cases which require a dynamically allocated, shared array, but where I don't want to use either boost or a vector (reasons below) I should call operator= std::make_unique<T[]>(N) ?

Why aren't I using?

  • Boost : is not approved for use yet in my company, and I do not know when or if I will get approval to use it.
  • Arrays : I have to determine the size of this array at runtime.
  • Vectors : I'm working on a real-time signal processing system, and would prefer to avoid the extra pointer dereference. I was also attempting to avoid including extraneous libraries in my header files (this was for communications between reading and writing subsystems) However, I eventually chose to optimize this later, if it matters (premature optimization...) and bite the bullet. The question remains, though.


 template <class Y, class D> shared_ptr(unique_ptr<Y, D>&& r); 

Remark : This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless unique_ptr<Y, D>::pointer is convertible to T* .

However, unique_ptr<U[]>::pointer is actually U* , while shared_ptr<U[]> 's T* is U(*)[] ; And U* cannot be converted to U(*)[] , hence the overload is never considered.

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