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Add Item To kendoDropDownList

I am trying to add a item to the kendoDropDownList, it seems to add the option but not set the value and text. Inspecting the select it just adds a new option


Here is what I am using

     .dataSource.add({ "text": "Joe", "value": "Joe" });


Here is my datasource model and the requestEnd as suggested but the values seem to get messed up

datasource_people = new kendo.data.DataSource({
        type: "json",
        serverFiltering: true,
        transport: {
            read: {
                dataType: 'json',
                type: 'GET',
                url: '/restful/people/'
        filter: {
            field: "status",
            operator: "eq",
            value: 1
        schema: {
            data: function(response) {
                return response.data.plaintiffs;
            model: {
                id: "person_id",
                fields: {
                    person_id: {type: "number"},
                    name: { type: "string"}
            errors: "error",
            total: function(response) {
                return response.data.total;

Then Later

                    dataTextField: "text",
                    dataValueField: "value",
                    dataSource: {
                        requestEnd: function (e) {
                            e.response.push({text: "John", value: "John"});

After some searching it was quite simple but this worked for exactly what i needed.

    person_id: "John",
    name: "John"

You can add a new item to the datasource after it has been loaded using requestEnd .

requestEnd: function (e) {
  e.response.push({text: "Joe", value: "Joe"});

I've updated the other user's fiddle to show you it works. jsFiddle example

Use this:

<input id="nameList" value="1" />
var data = [
    { text: "Joe", value: "Joe" },
    { text: "Joe", value: "Joe"  },
    { text: "Joe", value: "Joe"  }

// create DropDownList from input HTML element
    dataTextField: "text",
    dataValueField: "value",
    dataSource: data,
    index: 0,         


Not sure what exactly you want, but you can load options from a datasource, and then append more to the list after dataBound has fired.

    dataTextField: "text",
    dataValueField: "value",
    dataSource: {
        transport: { 
            read: { 
                dataType: 'json', 
                type: 'GET', 
                url: '/restful/companies' 

    function onDataBound(e) {
        e.sender.dataSource.add({ "text": "Joe", "value": "Joe" });

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