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print tag value from xml using python

I am trying to write a Python script that prints the value of a particular tag in an XML output. Here, the tag value I need to print is the value of in each and every occurrences in the XML output. I tried as below, but it shows an attribute error. What could be wrong here? Which is the correct way of getting and print values of certain more tags which I am interested to see? Any help please? Thanks.

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

mystring="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

main = ET.fromstring(mystring)
for student in main:
  if (student.tag == "student"):
      print student.find("male/result").text
      print student.find("female/result").text


# python new5.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "new5.py", line 39, in <module>
    print student.find("female/result").text
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'text'

Your code for printing a tag value is correct, but you are asking for a section of your xml that does not exist. There is no female section in the second student section. This is why student.find("female/result") is returning None on the second student, and you cannot call .text on a None object.

ElementTree supports a subset of XPath , and that may be easier for your example:

root = ET.fromstring(mystring)
for gender in ('male', 'female'):
    print gender
    for student in root.findall('./student/%s' % gender): 
        print '\t{:20}: {}'.format(student.find('name').text, student.find('result').text)


    Paul                : pass
    Philippe            : fail
    Rose                : pass

(btw: avoid using main as a variable name since you clobber the name of the main module)

If you want the results in document order rather than grouped by gender, you might do something like:

for students in root.findall('./student'):
    for gender in students:
        print ' '.join([gender.tag] + map(lambda a: gender.find(a).text, ('name', 'address', 'result', 'localreference/name')))


male Paul boston pass Charlie
female Rose newyork pass Charlie
male Philippe boston fail White

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