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Communication to caller of method annotated @Transactional

I have a method on which I am using the Spring @Transactional annotation:

    public void persistAmendments(int _cutsheetId) {

If a condition occurs which forces a rollback of this transaction, how will a caller of persistAmendments() know about this? I would like my calling code to handle the situation appropriately. Is there a special exception that is thrown up the stack?

The method calling your persistence layer will catch any RuntimeExceptions, and that will let it know that you had an error while persisting the data. Spring by default rolls back any transaction that throws a RuntimeException. Here is an abbreviated example of what I mean.


public class AmendmentService {

    private AmendmentRepository amendmentRepository;

    public boolean persistAmendments(int _cutsheetId) {
        boolean persistSuccessful = true;
        try {
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            persistSuccessful = false;
        return persistSuccessful;


public class AmendmentRepository {

    public void persistAmendments(int _cutsheetId) {
        //attempt to persist


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