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Comment on Facebook page posts as page owner with extended token

I'm developing a node.js app which manages a Facebook page among other functionalities.

To comment on user submitted posts, I use the following code in node.js:

FB.api(object + '/comments','post',
  { message: COMMENT_I_WANT_TO_SUBMIT, access_token: MY_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN },
    // deal with res

When using my short-lived Facebook page access-token (which I get from Graph API Explorer) the comment submitted is shown as a comment submitted by the page itself (what I want), but when I use my permanent token it is shown as submitted by myself (page owner).

To get this permanent token I followed these instructions: https://stackoverflow.com/a/28418469/4713311

The token has my name associated to it since I had to grant permissions to manage the pages I own to generate the token. I believe this token has the proper permissions since the token debugger shows the following permissions in scope: "manage_pages, publish_pages, publish_actions, public_profile"

Is there any way I can use this never expiring token to comment on posts with the page name instead of my own?

A Page Access Token should have not only "User ID" but also "Profile ID" associated, which wasn't the case for the extended page access token.

A Page Access Token isn't "extendable", to get a permanent page access token I had to request one with a permanent User Access Token, as explained here

Using as short-lived access token I got from Graph API Explorer (Select App -> Get Token -> Select permissions manage_pages , publish_pages , publish_actions and other you may need -> Grab the token that fills the "Access Token" text box) I made the following call to extend the token. https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?grant_type=fb_exchange_token&client_id={app-id}&client_secret={app-secret}& fb_exchange_token={short-lived-token}

Using the token returned, you can simply call /me/accounts and copy the page's access_token This token is a permanent Page Access Token, to confirm you can use the token debugger and verify it has your "User ID" and your page's "Profile ID"

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