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how to call this datepicker function while each row of table data is having the same class='datapicker'?


By WWW standards, no two objects in a dom should have same id. So may be you can edit the javascript code that adds/delete rows to have an iterant appended to the id. Meanwhile you could also use data-* attributes. Read more about data-* attribs . Writing this as an answer as its difficult to give you links in comment.

All you need to do is, call datepicker after adding the new row also.

$("input.add").live('click', function() {        
    var $tr = $(this).closest('tr');
    var $clone = $tr.clone();

    // blah blah

             changeMonth: true,
             changeYear: true,
             showOn: 'button',
             buttonImage: 'jquery/images/calendar.gif',
             buttonImageOnly: true

Also - a word of caution: Use on instead of live . live is deprecated in newer versions of jquery.

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