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Powershell listing size of files

I have 3600 files named PKA.dump

One of these files is not the right size. They should be above 500bytes, but one is below 500. Is there a way to check all subsubfolders and find the one file named PKA.dump that is less than 500 bytes?

Sorry I meant to add I am using powershell.

I had it working in linux, but powershell is so new to me

The following should do:

Get-Childitem -path C:\yourpath\ -Include pka.dump -recurse | where {$_.Length -le 500}

After reading the comments i did some performance testing and indeed using the -include parameter saves (in my test case) about 15% execution time per call on average so if performance is a major concern don´t use -Filter when using -Recurse


After hasing it out, best answer seems to be: Get-ChildItem -Path 'c:\\yourpath\\' -Include 'pka.dmp' -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.Length -le 500} Get-ChildItem -Path 'c:\\yourpath\\' -Include 'pka.dmp' -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.Length -le 500}

original answer

gci -r | sort Length | select -First 10

This should list all files, pipe it to sort by size (default ascending) and select the first 10

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