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Pass in long parameter to asp.net webapi

I'd like to pass a website parameter to a webapi, but it fails to work.


           name: "DefaultApi",
           routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
           defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

Web api controller: take the param and return the htmlsnapshot of the other website

    public string GetSnapShot(string param)

        string fragment = param;
        string content = "";

        if (fragment != null)
            int firstSlash = fragment.IndexOf("/");
            if (firstSlash <= 2)
                fragment = fragment.Substring(firstSlash + 1, fragment.Length - firstSlash - 1);
            using (IWebDriver driver = new PhantomJSDriver())
                string url = String.Format("http://domain.com/{0}", fragment);

                content = driver.PageSource;
        return content;

if I try api/snapshot/du-lieu -> hit the controller fine but if I pass in a more complicated like

api/snapshot/%2Fdu-lieu%2Fbong-da-y-Serie-A%2Fseason%2F1%2Ftong-quan -> fails to work, return 404

Please advise.

Why dont you put your param into query string?? Your code will become

public string GetSnapShot(string param1,string param2,string param3)

And from wherever you call the api, create the request url http://<whatever domain you use>/api/snapshot?param1=valueparam1&param2=valueparam2&param3=valueparam3

        public string GetSnapShot(string param)


It works now, thanks all.

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