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Haskell Data.Memocombinators performance issues?


Hi, there,

Part of my program to compute differences between files makes use of the standard DP algorithm to compute the longest common noncontiguous subsequence between two lists. I've been running into performance issues with some of this functionality, so I ran HPC to profile, and found the following result:

                                                individual     inherited
COST CENTRE                       no. entries  %time %alloc   %time %alloc
(ommitted lines above)
longestCommonSubsequence             1          0.0    0.0    99.9  100.0
 longestCommonSubsequence'           8855742   94.5   98.4    99.9  100.0
  longestCommonSubsequence''         8855742    4.2    0.8     5.4    1.6
   longestCommonSubsequence''.caseY  3707851    0.6    0.6     0.6    0.6
   longestCommonSubsequence''.caseX  3707851    0.6    0.2     0.6    0.2
(ommitted lines below)

Here's the offending code:

longestCommonSubsequence' :: forall a. (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Int -> Int -> [a]
longestCommonSubsequence' xs ys i j =
      (Memo.memo2 Memo.integral Memo.integral (longestCommonSubsequence'' xs ys)) i j

longestCommonSubsequence'' :: forall a. (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Int -> Int -> [a]
longestCommonSubsequence'' [] _ _ _ = []
longestCommonSubsequence'' _ [] _ _ = []
longestCommonSubsequence'' (x:xs) (y:ys) i j =
    if x == y
        then x : (longestCommonSubsequence' xs ys (i + 1) (j + 1)) -- WLOG
        else if (length caseX) > (length caseY)
            then caseX
            else caseY
        caseX :: [a]
        caseX = longestCommonSubsequence' xs (y:ys) (i + 1) j

        caseY :: [a]
        caseY = longestCommonSubsequence' (x:xs) ys i (j + 1)

I find it notable that all the time and memory usage is happening in longestCommonSubsequence' , the memoizing wrapper. Hence, I would conclude that the performance hit is coming from all the lookups and cachings done by Data.Memocombinators , despite how it's always performed admirably the many other times I've used it.

I guess my question is... this conclusion seems reasonable; is it? If so, then does anyone have any recommendations for other ways to achieve the DP?

For reference, it takes 12 seconds - which is absurdly long - to compare two 14-line-long files with respective contents "a\\nb\\nc\\n...m" and "*a\\nb\\nc\\n...m*" (same contents but with '*' pre-pended and post-pended).

Thanks in advance! :)

EDIT: trying ghc-core stuff now; will post an update if I can get it to play nicely with a Cabal project and get any useful information!

When you call Memo.memo2 Memo.integral Memo.integral (longestCommonSubsequence'' xs ys) , it creates a memoizer for the function longestCommonSubsequence'' xs ys . This means that there is one memoizer for each different value of xs and ys . I guess that most of the execution time is spent creating all those data structures for all those memoizers.

Did you mean to memoize on the 4 arguments of longestCommonSubsequence'' ?

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