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'==' works locally but '=' required for comparison on server

I couldnt figure out why my Meteor template helper wasnt working on my Ubuntu server, so I just hacked together a couple variations and this one ended up working...locally I use if(user[0].trusted == true) but for some reason that conditional wasnt getting triggered on the server.

Handlebars.registerHelper('isTrusted', function(user_id){
        var user = Meteor.users.find({_id: user_id}).fetch();

        console.log(user, 'user');

        if(user[0].trusted = true){
            console.log(user[0].trusted, 'user trusted field');
            return true;
        } else {



Your hack is wrong. It will always enter in the if branch, mostly because you are not comparing but assigning:

if(user[0].trusted = true)

Here you are assigning to user[0].trusted the true value. Because it's inside an if, javascript is checking if the assignment is correct. Because it assigned correctly, then it enters in the branch ( always ).

Send to console the value of user[0].trusted. Maybe it's a number, or has another value. Anyway, your code has a bug, it's not a thing with the server.

This may be a nice way to do it too:

Handlebars.registerHelper('isTrusted', function(user_id){
    return !!Meteor.users.findOne({_id: user_id, trusted: true});

Or if you cast it to a string you can use 'true' instead of true

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