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How to make Django custom user model an abstract class

I have created my own custom user model in django and specified the same in settings.py :

AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'userprofile.User'

After this, I created User as an abstract class since I wanted to have two separate classes derived from this class namely - Vendor and Customer . This will create two separate database tables.

The problem occurs when I created another class - ProductReview . This class needs a foreign key to the user who added the review and this user can be either a Vendor or a Customer . I am not sure how to put this foreign key constraint here, because settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL will not work, as User is an abstract class.

Following is the class structure:

class UserManager(BaseUserManager):

class User(PermissionsMixin, AbstractBaseUser):
    class Meta:
        abstract = True

class Vendor(User):

class Customer(User):

class ProductReview(models.Model):
    user = models.ForeignKey(
        settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, related_name='reviews', null=True, blank=True)

Edit - I went ahead with three different tables for each of the models.

The declaration of user field in ProductReview model class will map with the USER model. To define whether it is a Vendor or a Customer you need to declare another field probably integer field with mapping declared as

    1: 'Vendor',
    2: 'Customer'

and then create a query to check in which model Vendor or Customer the original USER is.

For your case I would consider changing my modeling. This how I would do it:

  • Leave the default User as the auth user model for Django.
  • Create a Vendor and a Customer class with one-to-one relationship to the User model in order to extend it.

In this way, a you can have a ProductReview to reference a User , who could be either a Vendor or a Customer , or you can reference Customer s only if you wish.

See more on Django documentation: Extending the User model .

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