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NullpointerException in Spring autowiring even though bean definition is written in dispatcher-servlet.xml

I read about autowiring concept and trying to use it in my project. What I want is only one instance to be created for a particular class and that can be used with all the classes with autowiring.

I defined a bean in dispatcher-servlet.xml

<bean id="modifyService"

No scope is defined, so it will be singleton. Now I am using it in two classes.

class ABCEvaluationService{
ArrayList listIncident;
//This class is instantiating IncidentFactory with new keyword in a method
**//Methods using listIncident - getting empty list here**

class IncidentFactory{
List listIncident
ModifyPreferencesService modifyService;**

//This class creates Incident Objects and add it to the listIncident.
**//Uses modifyService class objects - but I am getting null here**

Issue is I am able to use it in first class but in the second class it gives me NullPointerException. This same thing is happening with other bean. Am I doing this wrong. Is this not the purpose of autowiring. Please explain.. I am learning Spring and don't want to learn wrong concept.

Complete dispatcher-servlet.xml is(I cant really copy paste.. so there can by syntax error. Please ignore if any):

<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
    <context:component-scan base-package="mypack" />        
        <mvc:mapping path="/ABCReportForm"/>
        <bean class="com.xyz.interceptor.ValueStreamInterceptor" />

  <mvc:resources location="/resources/" mapping="/resources/**"/>

  <bean id="validator"
  <bean id="modifyService"

  <bean id="abcService"
  <bean id="listIncident"

  //Code for InternalResourceViewer


Spring has quirky handling of collection objects. It presumes that you're asking for a number of beans that all implement some common interface. Autowiring a collection requires using its name.

Additionally: - Use generics. - Use Spring Boot instead of manual configuration (with outdated versions). - Use constructor injection instead of field injection to make your code easier to test and maintain.

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