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How can i use CDI with CamelTestSupport

I have a main test with Camel.

public class TestIntegrationBeanCtrlContrat extends CamelTestSupport {

@EndpointInject(uri = "mock:result")
protected MockEndpoint resultEndpoint;

@Produce(uri = "direct:start")
protected ProducerTemplate template;

protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() {
    return new RouteBuilder() {
        public void configure() {

                    .bean(MappingCB2ABean.class, "mapToObj")
                    .bean(BeanCalculChampsSpecif.class, "beanChampsSpecif")
                    .bean(BeanAlimContrat.class, "beanAlimentationValContrat")
                    .bean(BeanInitDateForce.class, "initialisation")
                    .bean(CtrlContratBean.class, "ctrlContrat")


public void test_ControleBean_Integration() throws Exception {

    // Important : pensez à changer le nom du fichier ou répertoire où se trouve le fichier test

    this.template.sendBody("direct:start", new File(



Each bean works fine, but when i add a bean which use a CDI component, it doesn't work.

The bean is CtrlContratBean.

public class CtrlContratBean {

DateBusinessManager dateBusinessManager;

 * Bean Ctrl Contrat
 * @param exchange
 * @return
public List<ContratControllable> ctrlContrat(final Exchange exchange) {
    Integer.valueOf(TypeCalendar.CALENDAIRE.getValueCalendar()), valueForceDt);}

The value of dateBusinessManager Still NULL. The dateBusinnesManager comes from another projet which connect to a BDD to recover Data.

I don't know why it doesn't work , further i add @RunWith(EJBContainerRunner.class) to the Test Class to Run the Ejb Container.

Any ideas ? Thxs

I think you may need to extends the CdiTestSupport instead of CamelTestSupport. The key point is find the right CdiContainer to use, as I didn't see the code of EJBContainerRunner, you may need to the work there if the CdiTestSupport doesn't work.

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