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Adding crashlytics in an Android project without Gradle

I'm working with an Android Project which does not have Gradle. It is an old-style structure project which has not been updated for using Gradle.

I'm trying to find the way of adding Crashlytics but I cannot find a way.

Is there any easy way to add crashlytics without Gradle?


Are you using Android Studio?

All the ways you can integrate are listed on Fabric's download page

If you are not using gradle, I guess it's still a Eclipse project. And Crashlytics is now part of Fabric, so I guess it's Fabric too what you are using.

About Eclipse, I'd recommend migrating it to Android Studio and take advantage of Gradle, but anyway, the steps would be:

  • Clip on Help -> Install New Software
  • Click "Add..." and add a new repository with the name Fabric and in the location, type in https://fabric.io/download/eclipse .
  • Look for "Fabric" and check its checkbox
  • Install it, restart eclipse, and you should be seeing a new blue icon in Eclipse's toolbar, for Fabric.

Edit: for using the library files (jar and aar) directly, in a IDE independent way, or with maven, the artifactory repo for twitter can be useful: https://twittersdk.artifactoryonline.com/twittersdk/webapp/home.html?3

There, you can find crashlytics libraries: http://twittersdk.artifactoryonline.com/twittersdk/webapp/search/artifact/?4&q=crashlytics , and also fabric: http://twittersdk.artifactoryonline.com/twittersdk/webapp/search/artifact/?5&q=fabric

For every dependency, Twitter's Artifactory help with code for Ivy, Maven or Gradle integration.

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