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PostgreSQL Heroku Symfony2 File mapping

I have load project Symfony2 with PostgreSQL this my project . In my local host this project work not problem. In heroku when I run:

heroku run php app/console doctrine:schema:create

File mapping drivers must have a valid directory path, however the given path [/tmp/build_d2abd4d4e9172642941b867e70a389eb/src/App/FirstBundle/Resources/config/doctrine
] seems to be incorrect!

this is my config.yml:

    default_connection: default

            driver:   "%database_driver%"
            host:     "%database_host%"
            port:     "%database_port%"
            dbname:   "%database_name%"
            user:     "%database_user%"
            password: "%database_password%"
            charset:  UTF8


    auto_generate_proxy_classes: "%kernel.debug%"
    auto_mapping: true

and I use yml and xml file Resources/config/doctrine/.. for my Entity

and I repeat in my local host project work and I see table for my entity in phppgadmin.

This example in my local run app/console doctrine:schema:validate

[Mapping] OK - The mapping files are correct.

[Database] OK - The database schema is in sync with the mapping files.

I try find response for my question in google but no result, help please

You need to check your parameters.yml placed on heroku (not your local version)

If in this file you see db host - localhost, you are forget configure DB You need visit - Heroku addon stores and choose what type of DB you need. After that you have two ways, first - edit parameters.yml.dist in git (realy bad idea - but fast for you) second - learn incenteev-parameters from composer, how to define parameters in composer. For Russian lang - i found this site

Did all entities is in git repo?

Let me know about results.

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