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access_token given by Oauth2 procedure is not authorized for accessing Orion FI-LAB

The oauth2 procedure that we used to get the access token for accessing Orion FI-LAB instance provided at https://github.com/fgalan/oauth2-example-orion-client does not work anymore. something has happened since 10 days ago. we have used the same procedure for retrieving the token in our android application.now either our android app dose not work.

The probblem is :

The access token generated by the server.js code is not recognized as a valid X-Auth-Token for the orion FI-LAB instance (orion.lab.fi-ware.eu:1026). by running the sample we get the below response

   "access_token": "3ujlcoB3uUCy45ZasN5c89DoV9549d",
   "expires_in": 3600,
   "token_type": "Bearer",
   "state": "xyz",
   "scope": "all_info",
   "refresh_token": "FrmaTmGCJ4DDKkeGlWxfERB6R3jtij"

However, when we use the above access_token for making http request to orion context broker we get this answer: "User token not authorized".

On the other hand, the token obtained by the token_script.sh shell works well as X-Auth-Token for the orion FI-LAB instance.

The question

which way is going to be the stable approach to access the FI-LAB Orion instance:

  • the procedure taken by the server.js (in which the given token is not working) or
  • the procedure taken by token_script.sh ?

The problem could be due to different reasons:

  • IDM password reseting during the FIWARE Lab migration on May 2015
  • Some bugs in the server.js script (some of them also related with changes in the security system after migration), currently fixed (githash: 49d9c416b43ecac8971379833b7b4f4b5d3016e3)

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