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Reference to a static, function local variable

Is the following code considered safe?

Foo& GetFoo()
    static std::once_flag fooInitFlag;
    static Foo f;

    std::call_once(fooInitFlag, [&Foo]()

    return std::ref(f);


Instead of this posted code:

Foo& GetFoo()
    static std::once_flag fooInitFlag;
    static Foo f;

    std::call_once(fooInitFlag, [&Foo]()

    return std::ref(f);

do this:

struct Initialized_foo
    Foo item;
    Initialized_foo() { item.Init(); }

auto get_foo()
    -> Foo&
    static Initialized_foo the_foo;
    return the_foo.item;

It's not more safe, but it's simpler, and hence more safe against inadvertently introduced bugs.

Note that the standard guarantees a single initialization here, even in the context of multi-threading.

Better, ideally each Foo insteance should be properly initialized by the Foo constructor, not by an Init method. But that's not always possible to arrange.

You asked:

Is the following code considered safe?

The answer is yes.

Another implementation:

// Not exposed to the outside.
static Foo& getInitializedFoo();
    static Foo f;
    return f;

Foo& GetFoo()
    static Foo& f = getInitializedFoo();
    return f;

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