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MIPS print integer without use any pseudoinstructions

Here is what I did

num1:.word 1
num2:.word 2
.globl main
lui $t0,0x1001
addi $v0,$0,1  #set commend to print 
addi $s2,$0,5 # add 5 to $s2
sw $s2,4($t0) # store the val in word 2
addi $a0,$t0,4 # add 4 to t0 to start the second word 
syscall # print int 

I want the value of s2 to be print however I got 268500996. Also , if i want to print word 1 and word 2 how to make each output on its own line.

syscall 1 expects $a0 to contain the value to print , no the address of the value to print. So instead of:

sw $s2,4($t0) # store the val in word 2
addi $a0,$t0,4 # add 4 to t0 to start the second word 

you should just do:

or $a0, $s2, $0  # $a0 = $s2

To print a newline you would print the characters 13 (Carriage Return) and 10 (Linefeed). You could do this either with syscall 4 ( print_string ) or two calls to syscall 11 ( print_character ).

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