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getting data from controller in error function of jquery ajax — Asp.net MVC

I have a jquery ajax script like following

            type: "POST",
            url: "Main/receive", // the method we are calling
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            data: JSON.stringify({ 'p':$("#txtname").val() }),
            dataType: "json",
            success: function (result) {
                alert('Yay! It worked!');
                // Or if you are returning something

            error: function (result) {
                alert('Oh no zzzz:('+result.responseText);

And I am calling to Controller action method. The data is sending to the controller's action method and I am also receiving data from the controller. But the data that I am receiving is inside the error function of jquery ajax.

I want it to be inside the success function.

Why my success function is not getting called.

Following is my controller's action method,

    public string receive(string p)
        ViewBag.name = p;
        return p;


The reason for the error is that you have specified that the returned data type be json (in the line dataType: "json", ) but you method returns text. You have 2 options.

  1. Change the controller method to return json using return Json(p);
  2. Change the ajax option to dataType: "text", or just omit it

However you can improve your script as noted below

  type: "POST",
  url: '@Url.Action("receive", "Main")', // don't hardcode url's
  data: { p: $("#txtname").val() }, // no need to stringify (delete the contentType: option)
  dataType: "json",
  success: function (result) {
      alert('Yay! It worked!');
  error: function (result) {
      alert('Oh no zzzz:('+result.responseText);

or even simpler

$.post('@Url.Action("receive", "Main")', { p: $("#txtname").val() }, function(result) {
    alert('Yay! It worked!');
}).fail(function(result) {
    alert('Oh no zzzz:('+result.responseText);

Notes: You should always use @Url.Action() to generate the correct urls, and it is not necessary in this case to stringify the data (but you need to remove the contentType: line so it used the default application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8 )

In addition, this is not strictly a POST (your not changing data on the server - but I assume this is just for testing). And there is no point in the line ViewBag.name = p; - it does nothing in your context, and as soon as you return from the method, ViewBag is lost anyway.

try to change your controller code as follows

 public ActionResult List(string p)
       ViewBag.name = p;
       return Json(ViewBag);

Your controller method should look like this:

public ActionResult receive(string p)
   return Json(p);

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