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How to pass object list from one activity to another in android?

I had a object list in my activity and i want to pass that object list to another activity to generate a list view in that activity,is it possible?

For simple string values i had used the following code...

Intent intentprint=new Intent(OrdersScreen.this,PrintTemplate.class);
        String pbal=String.valueOf(Balance.getText());
        intentprint.putExtra("Branch", bname);
        intentprint.putExtra("Party", pname);
        intentprint.putExtra("Billvalue", bal);

Any help will be appreciated..

You can send arralist of objects as below

intent.putParcelableArrayListExtra("some_key", (ArrayList<TYPE>) list);

Retrieve it

ArrayList<TYPE> list = (ArrayList<TYPE>)getIntent().getParcelableArrayListExtra("some_key");

The similar question was already asked, please take a look at this: Passing data through intent using Serializable

The only difference is the way of storing the object. The above mentioned method uses Serializable.

You can use


to pass an arraylist to next activity. See this for more complete details. Help with passing ArrayList and parcelable Activity

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