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IllegalArgumentException, getter method of property, avoiding redundant data

I am trying to add new trip and place into database. There is relation between them many-to-one, so that one place can be assigned into many places. Place is adding correctly, but during adding trip there is this exception... I know there has been a lot similiar topics, but none of them helped me solving this problem.

ERROR: HHH000122: IllegalArgumentException in class: pl.th.java.biuro.hibernate.Place, getter method of property: idPlace
Exception found while adding new trip: IllegalArgumentException occurred calling getter of pl.th.java.biuro.hibernate.Place.idPlace
org.hibernate.PropertyAccessException: IllegalArgumentException occurred calling getter of pl.th.java.biuro.hibernate.Place.idPlace
at org.hibernate.property.BasicPropertyAccessor$BasicGetter.get(BasicPropertyAccessor.java:192)

Hibernate trip mapping:

<class name="pl.th.java.biuro.hibernate.Trip" table="Trip">
    <id column="idTrip" name="idTrip" type="int"/>
    <property column="date" name="date" type="date"/>
    <property column="cost" name="cost" type="int"/>
    <property column="profit" name="profit" type="int"/>
    <property column="organisator" name="organisator" type="string"/>
    <property column="period" name="period" type="int"/>
    <property column="food" name="food" type="string"/>
    <property column="transport" name="transport" type="string"/>
    <property column="persons" name="persons" type="int"/>
    <property column="kidsAmount" name="kidsAmount" type="int"/>
    <property column="idHotel" name="idHotel" type="int"/>
    <many-to-one name="idPlace" column="idPlace" class="pl.th.java.biuro.hibernate.Place" not-null="true" />

Hibernate place mapping:

<class name="pl.th.java.biuro.hibernate.Place" table="Place">
    <id column="idPlace" name="idPlace" type="int">
        <generator class="native"/>
    <property column="country" name="country" type="string"/>
    <property column="city" name="city" type="string"/>
    <property column="island" name="island" type="string"/>
    <property column="information" name="information" type="string"/>

Trip class:

public class Trip {

private int idTrip;
private int idPlace;
private int idHotel;
private Date date;
private int cost;
private int profit;
private String organisator;
private int period;
private String food;
private String transport;
private int persons;
private int kidsAmount;

private String ownerName;
private String ownerLastName;

private Place place;

public Trip() {


public Trip(int idTrip, Date date, int cost, int profit, String organisator, int period, String food, String transport, int persons, int kidsAmount) {
    this.idTrip = idTrip;
    this.date = date;
    this.cost = cost;
    this.profit = profit;
    this.organisator = organisator;
    this.period = period;
    this.food = food;
    this.transport = transport;
    this.persons = persons;
    this.kidsAmount = kidsAmount;

public Trip(int idTrip, Date date, int cost, int profit, String organisator, int period, String food, String transport, int persons, int kidsAmount, String ownerName, String ownerLastName, Place place) {
    this.idTrip = idTrip;
    this.date = date;
    this.cost = cost;
    this.profit = profit;
    this.organisator = organisator;
    this.period = period;
    this.food = food;
    this.transport = transport;
    this.persons = persons;
    this.kidsAmount = kidsAmount;
    this.ownerName = ownerName;
    this.ownerLastName = ownerLastName;
    this.place = place;

 * @return the idTrip
public int getIdTrip() {
    return idTrip;

 * @param idTrip the idTrip to set
public void setIdTrip(int idTrip) {
    this.idTrip = idTrip;

 * @return the place
public Place getPlace() {
    return place;

 * @param place the place to set
public void setPlace(Place place) {
    this.place = place;
And other get/set methods...

Place class:

public class Place {

private int idPlace;
private String country;
private String city;
private String island;
private String information;

public Place() {


public Place(String country, String city, String island, String information) {
    this.country = country;
    this.city = city;
    this.island = island;
    this.information = information;

 * @return the idPlace
public int getIdPlace() {
    return idPlace;

 * @param idPlace the idPlace to set
public void setIdPlace(int idPlace) {
    this.idPlace = idPlace;

EDIT1 Adding proper entities is working for me now, but I am wondering is there any way to avoid redundant data? For example, I add a trip and a place X connected with this trip. When I add another trip, but in this same place - X, this place is added again into my database. How can I avoid such action?

ERROR: HHH000122: IllegalArgumentException in class: pl.th.java.biuro.hibernate.Place, getter method of property: idPlace

I think you got this on insert operation. The preceding mean is that, you are inserting illegal argument to idPlace column. Your were using many-to-one with pl.th.java.biuro.hibernate.Place and insert an int as pl.th.java.biuro.hibernate.Place . You must change idPlace type from int to pl.th.java.biuro.hibernate.Place .

I hope this will help you.

您应该修改int idPlace int到对象的旅程pl.th.java.biuro.hibernate.Place

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