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Where is init folder in macs from where I can load my .conf file based jobs

I just migrated from linux, and trying to run one of my solutions in mac, at my linux i had a .conf files while was used to change the "run level" and start a supervisor job at the start of machine.

Is there a similar implementation somewhere at the mac as well, if not then what's the alternative.

my .conf based job was used to look like this

description "myJob"

start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]

exec supervisord --nodaemon --configuration <path to my config file>

The closest equivalent on OS X would be a launch daemon -- a property list file in /Library/LaunchDaemons that tells launchd when to launch your program. If I understand what your .conf file does, the equivalent would be something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

Name that local.myJob.plist, put it in /Library/LaunchDaemons, set the owner to root and permissions to 644, and then either reboot or load it with sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/local.myJob.plist .

See man launchd.plist and Apple's developer document "Creating Launch Daemons and Agents" for more info and options. You can also look at the Apple-provided daemons in /System/Library/LaunchDaemons for more examples.

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