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React component fails to update onClick event handler

I have a react component which represents a row in a table of words. It re-renders when the state changes, but it does not update onClick event handler. I have stripped down the component to the bare minimum and it still has the issue. When I click the "Edit" link, the console prints "onEdit" and the state appears to look correct in the browser, but then when I click "Revert", the console prints "onEdit" a second time. Why is the onClick event not being updated to use the _onRevert function after the state changes? Why it is still hanging on to the old event handler from the first render pass? Thank you.

var React = require('React/addons');

var WordListItem = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function(){
        return {
            isEditing: false,
            english: this.props.word.english
    _onEdit: function(e) {
        this.setState({isEditing: true});
    _onRevert: function(e){
        this.setState({isEditing: false});
    render: function() {
        if(this.state.isEditing) {
            return (
                    <span>Editing: {this.state.english} </span>
                    <a href="#" onClick={this._onRevert}>Revert</a>
        } else {

            return (
                    <span>Not Editing: {this.state.english} </span>
                    <a href="#" onClick={this._onEdit}>Edit</a>


module.exports = WordListItem;


So it turns out that it works if I paste this component into my main app.jsx file, it works, but not if I include it using require js. Which is weird, because browserify is working since I can still include other files and compose nested react components, it just that it the events don't get updated on some elements. Maybe at this point I should ask a new question, which is more focused.

    var React = require('react/addons');
//var materialize = require('materialize-css');
var word = {id: 4671810846, english: "water", persian: "آب", phonetic: "aab", tags: ["noun","food","drink"]};

var WordListItem = require('./components/wordList/WordListItem.jsx');

// var WordListItem = React.createClass({
//     getInitialState: function(){
//         return {
//             isEditing: false,
//             english: this.props.word.english
//         };
//     },
//     _onEdit: function(e) {
//         e.preventDefault();
//         console.log('onEdit');
//         this.setState({isEditing: true});
//     },
//     _onRevert: function(e){
//         e.preventDefault();
//         console.log('onRevert');
//         this.setState({isEditing: false});
//     },
//     render: function() {
//         if(this.state.isEditing) {
//             return (
//                 <div>
//                     <span>Editing: {this.state.english} </span>
//                     <a href="#" onClick={this._onRevert}>Revert</a>
//                 </div>
//             )
//         } else {
//             return (
//                 <div>
//                     <span>Not Editing: {this.state.english} </span>
//                     <a href="#" onClick={this._onEdit}>Edit</a>
//                 </div>
//             )
//         }
//     }
// })

React.render(<WordListItem word={word}/>, document.getElementById('app'));

Can you show the way you are rendering this child component in a parent ? I have a suspicion that when you are generating an array of WordListItem's you are not setting a key property (or using a simple index as key property, which is a recipe for disaster if you are also removing WordListItem's, the key has to be unique.

Also i think this component would be better if it didn't have state at all, have state on top parent component instead and send props down to children.


In your word_list_item.jsx file, you require react as var React = require('React/addons'); Is this just a typo you made when you were pasting code ? It should be var React = require('react/addons') with lower case letters. Just a small observation, not sure if this has to do with anything, but sure looks like you have some kind of browserify issue.

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