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How to remove parent tag with BeautifulSoup

I am trying to remove the header cells from a html table using BeautifulSoup. I have something like;

<tr> <th> head1 </th> <th> head2 </th> </tr>

I am using the following code to remove all the header cells;

soup = BeautifulSoup(url)    
for headless in soup.find_all('th'):

This works great, except I am left with an empty row which messes things up later;

<tr> </tr>

I tried the following code but I get an AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'decompose'

for headless in soup.find_all('th'):

How can I either get rid of the row containing header cells or remove the blank row later? Thanks.

That's because you removed the outer <tr> at the first iteration (when headless=<th>head2</th> ), so that when the iteration reaches <th>head2</th> it's parent is None .

You could, instead, iterate through <tr> s having child <td> like so :

for headless in (tr for tr in soup.find_all('tr') if tr.find('th')):

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