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How to add a LIST item with Java API Repository in Oracle ATG?

I create this repository:


<item-descriptor name="indirizzo" >
    <table name="INDIRIZZO" type="primary" id-column-name="ID_INDIRIZZO">
        <property name="via" data-type="string" column-name="VIA" />
        <property name="civico" data-type="int" column-name="CIVICO" />

<item-descriptor name="utente" >
    <table name="UTENTE" type="primary" id-column-name="ID_UTENTE">
        <property name="nome" data-type="string" column-name="NOME" />
        <property name="cognome" data-type="string" column-name="COGNOME" />
        <property name="indirizzi" data-type="list" component-item-type="indirizzo" />

In the Java class I want to add a new user with a multiple address. Then I want to use the Java API repository. I tried this:

MutableRepositoryItem item_utente = getMutableRepository().createItem(
        MutableRepositoryItem item_indirizzo = getMutableRepository().createItem(

        item_indirizzo.setPropertyValue(VIA, v1);
        item_indirizzo.setPropertyValue(CIVICO, civ1);
        item_indirizzo.setPropertyValue(VIA, v2);
        item_indirizzo.setPropertyValue(CIVICO, civ2);

        item_utente.setPropertyValue(NOME, n);
        item_utente.setPropertyValue(COGNOME, c);
        item_utente.setPropertyValue(INDIRIZZI, item_indirizzo);


but it does not work, I SUPPOSE because I did not create an actual java list. I want to insert in my DB an user with respective 2 or more addresses. Some different idea or do I fix my code?

If your datatype is list, you can add items using an xml just like you do for primitive data types with comma separated values as below:

<add-item item-descriptor="utente" id="test1">
    <set-property name="nome" value="testNome"/>
    <set-property name="cognome" value="testCognome"/>
    <set-property name="indirizzi" value="test2,test3,test4"/>

Take look at below page for more details.


create the List of Repository item .

List<RepositoryItem> item_indirizzo_List=new ArrayList<RepositoryItem>();

add item to the list. And then add like below

item_utente.setPropertyValue(INDIRIZZI, item_indirizzo_List);

May be this will help you.

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