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Spark: How to map an RDD when access to another RDD is required

Given two large key-valued pair RDDs ( d1 and d2 ), both composed of unique ID keys and vector values (eg RDD[Int,DenseVector] ), I need to map d1 in order to obtain for each of its element the ID of the closest element in d2 using a euclidean distance metric between vectors .

I have not found a way to do it using standard RDD transformations. I understand that nested RDDs are not allowed in Spark, however, if it was possible, an easy solution would be:

d1.map((k,v) => (k, d2.map{case (k2, v2) => val diff = (v - v2); (k2, sqrt(diff dot diff))} 
                      .takeOrdered(1)(Ordering.by[(Double,Double), Double](_._2))      

Moreover, if d1 was small, I could work with a Map (eg d1.collectAsMap() ) and loop over each of its elements, but this is not an option due to the dataset size.

Is there any alternative to this transformation in Spark?


Using @holden and @david-griffin suggestions I solved the issue using cartesian() and reduceByKey() . This is the script (assuming sc as the SparkContext and the use of the Breeze library).

val d1 = sc.parallelize(List((1,DenseVector(0.0,0.0)), (2,DenseVector(1.0,0.0)), (3,DenseVector(0.0,1.0))))
val d2 = sc.parallelize(List((1,DenseVector(0.0,0.75)), (2,DenseVector(0.0,0.25)), (3,DenseVector(1.0,1.0)), (4,DenseVector(0.75,0.0))))

val d1Xd2 = d1.cartesian(d2)
val pairDistances = d1Xd2.map{case ((k1, v1), (k2, v2)) => (k1, (k2, sqrt(sum(pow(v1-v2,2)))))}
val closestPoints = pairDistances.reduceByKey{case (x, y) => if (x._2 < y._2) x else y }

closestPoints.foreach(s => println(s._1 + " -> " + s._2._1))

The output obtained is:

1 -> 2
2 -> 4
3 -> 1

Transformations on RDDs can only be applied on the driver side, so nesting of maps won't work. As @davidgriffin points out you can use cartesian . For your use case you probably want to follow that up with reduceByKey and inside of your reduce by key you can keep track of the minimum distance.

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