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Flush Log4Net buffer with AdoNetAppender

I'M using Log4Net with AdoNetAppender, and I like to flush buffer in particular time, or time period.

May be I'M not wrong, Log4Net do not provide this functionality and for that I have to create my own Appender, but I have no idea or may be I am confuse how to implement this.

Can anyone help me with this?

For flush I am suppose to use following code but it do not have time or timeout functionality.

    public void FlushBuffers()
        ILoggerRepository rep = LogManager.GetRepository();
        foreach (IAppender appender in rep.GetAppenders())
            var buffered = appender as BufferingAppenderSkeleton;
            if (buffered != null)


Log4Net is implemented in Asp.Net website, and I need to flush this throw the site.

May be I can create Thread which execute code block in every 2 hours and flush the buffer.

public class FlushingAdoNetAppender : AdoNetAppender
    private Timer flushTimer;
    private TimeSpan flushInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);

    public FlushingAdoNetAppender()
        // Enable for debugging purposes
        // LogLog.InternalDebugging = true;

    public TimeSpan FlushInterval

        The interval after which the buffer will be flushed. Defaults to 5 minutes

        Example config:

        <appender name="DatabaseAppender" type="Your.Namespace.FlushingAdoNetAppender">
            <flushInterval value="00:30:00" />


        get { return flushInterval; }
        set { flushInterval = value; }

    public override void ActivateOptions()
        flushTimer = new Timer(flushInterval.TotalMilliseconds);

        LogLog.Debug(GetType(), "Flush timer interval is " + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(flushTimer.Interval));

        flushTimer.Enabled = true;
        flushTimer.Elapsed += FlushLog;


    protected override void OnClose()
        // This is called by log4net when reloading the config
        base.OnClose(); // calls Flush()

    private void FlushLog(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
        LogLog.Debug(GetType(), "Flushing logs");

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