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Celery limit number of specific task in queue

I'm using Celery 3.1.x with 2 tasks. The first task (TaskOne) is enqueued when Celery starts up through the celeryd_after_setup signal:

def celeryd_after_setup(*args, **kwargs):

When TaskOne is run, it does some calculations and then enqueues TaskTwo. Imagine the following workflow:

  • I start celery, thus the signal is fired and TaskOne is enqueued
  • after the countdown (5) TaskTwo is enqueued
  • then I stop celery (the TaskTwo remains in the queue)
  • afterwards I restart celery
  • the workflow is run again and TaskTwo is enqueued again

So we have 2 TaskTwo in the queue. That is a problem for my workflow because I only want one TaskTwo within the queue and avoid that a second one is enqueued.

My question: How can I achieve this?

With celery.app.control.Inspect.scheduled() ( Docs ) I can get a list of which tasks are scheduled, hidden in a combination of lists and dicts. This is maybe a way, but going through the result of this does not feel right. Is there any better way?

An easy-to-implement solution would be to add the --purge switch to your worker command. It will clear the queue and the worker start with no scheduled jobs.

But beware: that's a kind of job-global, unrecoverable action. When there are other scheduled jobs you depend on, this is not your solution.

After considering several options I chose to use app.control.inspect . It's not a really beautiful solution, but it works:

# fetch all scheduled tasks
scheduled_tasks = inspect().scheduled()

# iterate the scheduled task values, see http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/userguide/workers.html?highlight=revoke#dump-of-scheduled-eta-tasks
for task_values in iter(scheduled_tasks.values()):
    # task_values is a list of dicts
    for task in task_values:
        if task['request']['name'] == '{}.{}'.format(TaskTwo.__module__, TaskTwo.__name__):
            logger.info('TaskTwo is already scheduled, skipping additional run')

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