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How to set font color of a label in Java under RGB format?

How do I do something similar.

lblPlay." set font color under RGB format "

I use Swing framework.


If you try to change the color of a JLabel inside of swing you can just go with

import java.awt.Color;

and then use it like

yourLabel.setForeground(Color.black) //For example black.

or construct the color with

yourLabel.setForeground(new Color(0, 0, 0)) //Provide the r g b values

But if you want a more detailed answer you should provide a minimal example with compilable code or atleast describe where exactly the error happens.

Try to use:

JLabel title = new JLabel("Give me color", JLabel.CENTER);
Color myCustomColor = new Color(100,50,2);

If you're using JavaFX (which you should ;)), use either:

label.setTextFill(Color.rgb(red, green, blue));

where red , green and blue are integers. Or use:


where "rrggbb" is the typical hexademical RGB representation.

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