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A timeline monitor for Kendo-Scheduler

I'm trying to build a monitoring page for a Telerik Scheduler in MVC and trying to refresh the page every minute. I can-do a reload() every minute but was hoping for a more elegant solution. I'm trying the following code in javascript However I don't see the time-bar updating.

  setInterval(function () {

    var scheduler = $("#ReservationsTimeLine").data("kendoScheduler");

    var start = Date.now();
    var end = start + 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000;

    scheduler.startDate = start;
    scheduler.endDate = end;

  }, 60000);    //1 minute

You can find a list of elegant solutions to your problem in here .

I'm not sure what 'time-bar' means but I've noticed that your code refreshes only the scheduler, not the page.

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