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How to publish a mongodb array length as an additional collection field?

I have a mongodb collection with the following fields:

  • _id
  • name (string)
  • [items] (array of string)
  • secret (boolean)

I want to publish the all the _id, name fields and the item array length only (excluding the secret field) where the secret field is true.

I have read somewhere that I can add additional document properties in my find query, but my google foo does not work.

Here is what my publish method looks like without the additional items_count property:

Meteor.publish("all_items", function() {
    return myItems.find(
                 {secret: true},

How can I create an additional field from the [item] length in my publication?

EDIT : it seems that I need to use an aggregate function and the $project operator. And it is not supported by meteor.

Can anyone confirm this to me (ie it is the only option and it is not supported)?

You can add aggregation framework support to Meteor , and then use a simple aggregation pipeline with $project stage as you mentioned, like to following:

       {$match: {secret: true}},
       {$project: {_id: 1, name: 1, items_count: {$size: '$items'}}}

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