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Translate JavaScript code of RSA encryption to Python

I have this JavaScript code to encrypt text using RSA, and I need one que generates the same encrypted message, but that works with Python.

JavaScript code I'm using:

var key = new RSAKeyPair(

I'm having trouble finding an equivalent in Python because the parameter "modulus" present in the code builder in JavaScript, which I did not find in Python-RSA library .

I need to rewrite the JS code or is there some simpler alternative?

Both private and public keys contain the modulus n . The public key contains the modulus and the encryption (public) exponent e , the private key contains the modulus and the decryption (private) exponent d .

So what you have to do is to simply extract the three values n, d, e from the keys. Presumably, the python module does that itself.

On how to find the modulus: https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/18031/the-modulus-of-rsa-public-key

General explanation of RSA:


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