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Struts 2 add exception mapping for certain actions

Consider a project with lots of annotated actions.

public class TransferMoney(){

    public String showForm();

    public String confirmForm();

    public String result();

I want to add exception-mapping to confirmForm so I can do it as:

@Action(value = "transfer-money-confirm", 
        exceptionMappings = 
                       exception = "java.lang.Exception", 
                        result = "exception")

However is it a better way ?! As I said I have lots of actions and I don't want to add exceptionMapping for each of them one by one. The action name which I want to add mapping to them all ends with confirm but it seems not useful because the Exception Mapping does not accept regex.

You can use <global-exception-mappings> in struts.xml. Global exception mappings are per S2 package, so you can define different mappings for actions by putting them into separate packages.

<package name="default">
        <exception-mapping exception="java.lang.Exception" result="exception"/>

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