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Regular expression for decimal number accepting 0 to 4 digits but no characters

I'm trying to devise a regular expression which will accept decimal number up to 4 digits. I have successfully done it when a user types it in a text box. Now, I'm trying to validate text box for paste operation. For that, I have written a jquery function

 function pasteNumber() {
        var reNumber = /\d*\.\d{0,4}/;
        var theString = window.clipboardData.getData('Text');

        if (reNumber.test(theString) == false) {
            alert("You are trying to paste an invalid Number!")
        event.srcElement.value = theString

The regular expression which I have used is accepting a value like


which it should not accept. Then I tried changing regular expression to


Then, it started to accept values like


I need help to write a regular expression which will accept values like


But not


In short, there should be no characters.

Any suggestions please? Thank you

You are only missing the anchors ^ and $


See demo

But, to avoid matching . and 123. , you can enhance it as


See update .

As for anchors , they

do not match any character at all. Instead, they match a position before, after, or between characters. They can be used to the regex match at a certain position. 在特定位置。 The caret ^ matches the position before the first character in the string. Applying ^a to abc matches a . ^b does not match abc at all, because the b cannot be matched right after the start of the string, matched by ^ .

Similarly, $ matches right after the last character in the string. c$ matches c in abc , while a$ does not match at all.

You just need to add some anchors and group (?:) the entire decimal part and make it optional with a ? :


^ is for start of string, $ is for end of string

See demo

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